Of course little sister wanted to help to. We really needed some bubbles while we were working. Made for such a wonderful side affect to yardwork. She actually helped some to but was more into the break times.
Of course when you have hired help you always need to offer them some refreshments at break time. Juice boxes seemed to be the perfect thing. I wonder if I could get those "little" men on the table to help too?
Now big sister was another story. She wasn't really into helping so she stayed inside and watched the same movie twice before she came out and offered her help. We were just finishing up but I decided she needed her picture taken too.
I still have some leaves to bag up (we ran out of bags) and I need to spray so that the weeds won't decide to show up again before I am completely done. I will then be ready for the sprinkers to be turned back on after their winter break and the grass to green up again, maybe get some flowers planted and a small garden. I wonder how my new guy is with the lawnmover?
Thanks kids you were great help and remember they are not available to hire out.
I wish I could find help like that....and to think they work for juice boxes! Our leaves looked the same way. It was about 8 bags per weekend over several weekends, so I'm sure you are doing the same thing! It does feel good to get it cleaned up and the grass is greening up!