I was also invited to a wedding reception for one of the guys that I work with, Josh. Josh is my "Monday morning texting friend". He is now working out of Utah so every Monday morning I start texting him to find out how many hours I need to pay him for. Humm...seems like he should be texting me. Anyway I put together this cute bright table runner for my gift for Josh and his new wife. Congrats Josh!
My sister also had a birthday this month so I whipped up one of these cute snap bags and put it with some Bath and Body products (got those at their semi annual sale...great prices). These little bags are so fast and easy to make. I need to make some more to just have on hand.
Along with the above gift I threw in a set of these crochet coasters that I have been making. It was kind of a "hodge podge" of stuff gift. These have been really fun to make. Remember at the beginning of the year I was going to do a "gift" project each month? Well I am behind on that but these were one of those projects. This is a good on going project. I have all the supplies in a bag that I grab when I know I am going to have to sit and wait somewhere.