Friday, June 10, 2011

Memorial/Craft Weekend

I know it's a little late... but better late than never. On Memorial weekend Beth and I took 4 of my grandkids to our little cabin in Heber. This is the first time any of us had been there for quite a while. Luckily everything was in good shape after a cold winter. Beth decided that everyone needed craft projects to do while we were there so she planned and organized crafts for all. Well everyone except me and I always have more projects going than one person could ever finish in a life time. Here is Jessah crocheting. I actually had shown her how on Mother's Day weekend and she was still at it so I decided a new stitch and some new yarn was needed. Off to Walmart we went before we left to pick up the new yarn. She is making some coasters here. I can't remember how many she got made but she was whipping them out. You are doing a great job Jessah!

And then there was Reagen and her craft. Beth brought stuff for she and the girls to make hair flowers and Reagen went crazy. Last count she had 17 made. They were turning out so cute, she should have enough of them for every outfit she wears when she gets back into school after her summer break. Jessah and Beth both got some of these made too.

Thane is into coloring so when I was at Walmart picking up Jessahs yarn I found this tiger picture that came with all the markers. he colored every little inch of it. It kept him busy when he wasn't outside hitting the baseball around...he loves sports. Good job Thane!

And here is our cute little Faithy. She wasn't to much into the crafts. Oh she colored a little, modeled the hair flowers but she also played outside in the dirt. She is so girly, girly but for some reason she love digging in the dirt. Maybe she needs someone to show her some gardening tips.

And of course a trip to the cabin with kids just wouldn't be complete without getting the little ole jeep out. Someone gave this to Matthew as a joke when he turned 16 and boy I think the grandkids have driven it about 50,000 Miles since then. Poor thing needs a new battery, it only last about 1/2 hr. even when it is fully charged. The kids do love it tho and have made a path through our driveway and into the neighbors. Good thing the neighbors don't mind.

This weekend I am going to be with the same bunch of kids and we are heading to Flagstaff for the day on Saturday for the Army Family Day. Their dad has been up there for his yearly National Guard maneuvers. They will be glad to see daddy after him being gone for 2 weeks now and he will be glad to see them. I will post those pictures when we get back.

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