No we didn't sit down and eat another meal but we did sit long enough for each of us to have a 1/2 of piece of cake. It is so good. Then we jumped back into the car and headed to Joe's Farm Grill.
If you see a pattern to this it is because all 3 of these eating establishments are owned by the same people and offer these great birthday deals. There at the Farm Grill we stood in a fairly long line but got up front, showed my ID again and ordered a BBq chicken salad that I saved for lunch the next day. Terry is a pro at this! You would think by now 3 freebies would be enough but I had also been told that Krispie Kreme donuts gave out a dozen donuts on your birthday. This trifecta thing was getting under my skin so I decided to give it a try.
Score! On my way home I ran through the Krispie Kreme drive through and they gave me the donuts and didn't even ask to see my ID. Now I am not a hugh fan of Krispie Kreme donuts so those I took to work the next day for all the guys and scored a few more points.
So after about 3 hours and 4 stops I ended up with dinner and dessert and a few things for later. Terry's huband Ken said it wasn't a trifecta, it ended up being a quadfecta. It was alot of fun, thanks Terry! If you would like to read more about the trifecta experience you can go to th pro Terry's blog - don't believe her when she said I am old as her now...she is MUCH older then me. what's for dinner?
Didn't we have fun! But we ARE the SAME AGE now until Oct.!